Sunday, January 2, 2022

new year

Here's to a start of a new year. Last year was full of downs. My stepdad passed away, was harrassed by his biological children, went house hunting (terrible time to do it), bought a house, been doing repairs on it, on 11/30 one of our dogs got out and still havent heard or seen anything, spent Christmas and new years at new house. 

With this new year I'm going to work on getting back on top of my physical/mental and emotional self (gained a lot of weight and have just let myself go, depressing thoughts), going to move in and start staying at new place, upped amount putting into retirement after bringing it down for buying of the house, starting friday I'm doing an auto deposit of $100 weekly into my savings account. I'm also not giving up on finding my fur baby, she's out there somewhere.

What are you working on this year? Any suggestions on anything else I should do?