Saturday, March 5, 2022


One thing I do is that I give up stuff for Lent. This year I'm going to weigh myself on Sunday and then I'll weigh myself at the end of Lent and see how much I've lost. This year I'm looking into eating healthier and hoping that it helps kick start me into healthier lifestyle. I always give up more then one thing (usually in case I slip up with something. I know, bad of me).
This year I've decided to give up sweets, chocolate, pop, unheathly white things (i.e. white rice, white bread,etc. Still eating bread and rice just going for brown rice or whole wheat/grain bread), and unnessasary purchases. Goal is to eat healthier and save money. I'm also listening to bible audiobooks.
Do you observe Lent? What do you give up, if you give up anything?

Sunday, January 2, 2022

new year

Here's to a start of a new year. Last year was full of downs. My stepdad passed away, was harrassed by his biological children, went house hunting (terrible time to do it), bought a house, been doing repairs on it, on 11/30 one of our dogs got out and still havent heard or seen anything, spent Christmas and new years at new house. 

With this new year I'm going to work on getting back on top of my physical/mental and emotional self (gained a lot of weight and have just let myself go, depressing thoughts), going to move in and start staying at new place, upped amount putting into retirement after bringing it down for buying of the house, starting friday I'm doing an auto deposit of $100 weekly into my savings account. I'm also not giving up on finding my fur baby, she's out there somewhere.

What are you working on this year? Any suggestions on anything else I should do?

Friday, September 24, 2021

bought a house

So I bought a house this year. First time buying a house. I finished filling out the paperwork and signing and everything back in August. We havent moved in yet. 

Yes we. I've been planning to move out for a while. This year just forced the issuse faster and instead of just me, my mom and younger are moving with me. Life throws wrenches in plans and you roll with it.

Every weekend I've done something to the house. One weekend we had the vents  cleaned. Next weekend mom and I shampooed the carpets. The next weekend I had a guy come and replace the coil/spring of the garage door. This coming weekend I'm having the HVAC and a/c done. 

I've got one more thing that I'd like to have done (chimney/fireplace cleaned). All I got to do is find someone and see if I can swing paying for it. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy 2014 Easter everyone!

I haven't been on recently but I'm going to try and shoot to post once a week starting today. . . What are you doing for Easter (if you celebrate)? Today I bought some peep donuts from Dunkin Donuts.
(found this picture online-forgot to take a picture of it myself).
I am about to make some banana bread then ham, mashed potatoes and then maybe even making some deviled eggs. . What are some foods that you make?

In celebration of Easter, I'm sharing The Bunny Hop song. . I remember doing this in grade school.

Happy Easter :)

Saturday, December 28, 2013


Okay everyone. . 2013 was a bust for my blogging and anything else I was trying to do. . Now lets try for 2014.

Today I signed up to join 1 challenge called "30 paintings in 30 days January 2014". You can find out more information about this challenge by clicking the link. I did ask and was told that it didn't all have to be paintings but I do know that the first 7 or so will be some painted ornaments that I'm behind on. The other 23 will be up in the air for me. I might do paintings or some other type of artwork. This should help me get back into the groove of posting on my blog and of doing more art.

I'm also going to try and lose weight again. I am the heaviest that I have ever been and am really unhappy with it. One of my friends has lost 40 pounds since August. What she has been doing is cutting out the processed foods, milk and breads. I think that I might try taking a step in that direction. When 2014 starts I'm going to cut back on the processed foods, eating out, breads and milk. One that will be easy will be the milk and regular bread as I don't drink milk or eat bread so much at the moment anyways. The hard part might be the processed foods, eating out and other bread options. I love rice and finding unprocessed food might be difficult but it will get me trying new recipes.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Children's book review- Ways to Live Forever by Sally Nicholls

-This is in a format that I'm using for work. I'm going to try and start doing this for every book I read-

Nicholls, Sally Ways to Live Forever Realistic Fiction
I.L.: 3-7 R.L.: 5th Lexile: 580 212 p. 2008

Sam is an eleven year old boy who is in the final stages of leukemia. With the idea from his teacher and the help of his best friend Felix (and Google), he writes a book. Sam’s book includes facts, lists, adventures and the day to day stuff. Will he break a world record? How will he see a ghost? Will he find out all the answers to the questions that nobody answers? How much does the human soul weigh? What kind of teenage stuff will he do?

The chapters are short, simple and written in a journal format. The drawings range from torn out journal pages to postcards to family portraits. It was a sad topic put into the perspective of an eleven year old boy. This book is sad but with a fun and informative twist to it.

If you liked this book you might also like Each Little Bird that Sings by Deborah Wiles and Ten Good and Bad Things about my Life (so far) by Ann Martin.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Artwork working on the past few months

All of these artworks are using fabric. You've got my name tag done in seed beads with a papillon on the front and a winnie the pooh scene on the back. The others are Star Wars snowflakes- Yoda, Stormtrooper, R2D2 and c3po. What do you think?